
Les 5 dimensions du design
Pourquoi le design d’interfaces web appartient au design d'objet (et non au design graphique) D ...

Build Your Business Around Your Customers (not the other way around)
T he classical attitude of most companies is to see their own brand culture as a Sacred Graal, a...

Creativity is 20% inspiration + 80% practice
W e're trained to think that creativity is something given to few of us, at birth. It is commonly...

Cyclic and Linear Thinking
(or why waterfall process doesn’t really work for design) C oming back from the Euro IA...

Pourquoi les designers doivent rechercher d’abord le chaos et la complexité
T out le monde semble s'accorder sur le fait que le monde est complexe et qu'il a tendance à se...

La planification naturelle : une approche pratique pour accroître la productivité en design
E n général, lorsqu'on aborde la question de la productivité, la foule des designers s'éloigne à...

Natural Planning: a practical approach to enhance productivity in UX Design
U sually, when one starts talking productivity, the crowd of designers slowly moves away. “Let’s...

UX Storytellers, the Book
I had the pleasure to participate in this great project leaded by Jan Jursa, our fellow UX Designer...

Why designers should seek chaos and complexity first
E verybody seem to agree on the fact that the World is complex and is getting even more complex...

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